Have you ever looked at the funds in your portfolio? Like, really looked? What do you know about the different sectors, geographic locations, etc? Are you aware of the top companies your funds are invested in?

If not, don’t worry – many people don’t really take the time to investigate how and where their funds are distributed. However, it’s never too late to familiarize yourself with your portfolio. And since we’re backed by Fidelity Investments, we have all the best analysts and research at your disposal, to help you stay ahead of a constantly moving financial landscape, and seize the right opportunities as they arise.

So, how do your funds benefit from our work with Fidelity?

A global network, at your disposal. 

You’re getting unparalleled access to not just one of Canada’s leading investing teams, but a global network of research professionals and innovators. For over 30 years, Fidelity Investments Canada has been designing a wide range of innovative products to help build better financial futures for investors like you.

Your best interest is always key.

Fidelity is a privately owned firm, which means your best interest is what drives everyone. This allows us to work together to focus on what’s best for you – not shareholders. Fidelity’s integrity, proprietary research and data analysis, and dedication to clients aligns us all, allowing us to more effectively secure your financial future. 

A nimble, personalized approach.

In an ever-changing, complex financial services world, we’re committed to providing long-term value over short-term gain. Understanding the strategy behind this is so important to ensuring your financial future remains bright. 

Integrated risk management.

Fidelity monitors portfolios constantly. Investment professionals monitor portfolio positions and weightings to ensure they’re not only well thought out, but are also appropriate to each fund’s investment mandate. Ready to become more familiar with your portfolio? Contact us today and book a review. We’ll help you understand where your funds sit, so you can seize financial opportunities big and small, to ensure a future of financial growth, and a wealth of understanding.